Could my teenager possibly be depressed? This article will discuss the signs and symptoms that will help you recognize if they are.
All through one’s teenage years, he might have a lot of questions about himself. This is when a person’s journey to self-discovery is usually at its roughest. Remember when you were a young adult and used to ask yourself these questions?
- Will they like me?
- Will I be able to pass the exam? What if I don’t, would I disappoint my parents?
- Would I get rejected by my crush?
- Would I be good enough to fit in with the popular crowd?
These may seem like issues associated with growing pains, but they could just as easily be the start of the long and dark path called depression. It isn’t always easy to differentiate between the two and that’s why parents usually seek out professional help in the form of Teen Depression, an ideal provider of teen depression treatment in Los Angeles, California.
Depression doesn’t just concern your teen’s mood, it’s a serious issue that affects their health and well-being; not to mention, disrupts all aspects of their lives. With love, support, and guidance, the condition can be overcome, allowing your adolescent child to get his life back together.
Is your teenager depressed? Here are some of the ways you can tell.
You may not think your young adult child is depressed but pay closer attention, or better yet, talk to them because there may be something they’re not telling you about. According to statistics, the estimated percentage of adolescents who suffer from depression is twenty; that’s basically one in every five young adult children; a staggering number!
One of the main issues regarding depression is not the treatment. In fact, there are several ways to remedy this condition; it’s the fact that so many depressed teenagers never really get help. So, if you notice your adolescent kid acting out more than usual, delve deeper into the issue by finding out:
- If they have problems with dating, school, and self-identity.
Teenagers experience a host of problems that they may be keeping a secret from you. You may start to notice their lack of motivation, declining grades, empty expressions, practiced smiles, and constant frustration. Make sure to intervene immediately, and in the right way. - If they are crying for help.
Your teens may not necessarily be telling you about most of their problems but they could have confided in other people. If things get to be too much for them, they will typically resort to running away from home. - If they are taking drugs.
Teenagers could attempt to cope with their depression by abusing drugs, not really aware that it would only make the problem bigger. - If they are constantly engaging in unsafe sexual activity.
Again, teenagers could be using sex to cope with their depression. Their feeling of emptiness could lead them to crave the pleasure of being with someone in a purely sexual way. Sadly, this kind of relief is only temporary and it would only put them at risk to sexually transmitted diseases.
Whenever you suspect your teenager to be depressed, don’t hesitate to talk or listen to them. Also, it’s important to keep in mind that when bringing up the issue, you have to do so in a way that is free of judgment. Get in touch with Teen Depression, a reputable teen treatment center Los, Angeles that will help you identify the signs and symptoms of depression and find the best solution for it.
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